If you’re wondering about the Tiger’s Eye stone meaning and why it is used for spiritual and healing practices, this blog is for you!
If you’re looking for a gemstone that can help you overcome your fears, boost your self-confidence, and promote good health, you should consider Tiger’s eye stones.
Various cultures and civilizations have used Tiger’s Eye Stone since ancient times for its powerful healing qualities. This golden stone has a silky luster and is also known as the “golden tiger eye.” This stone is known for its protective and grounding qualities. It is a popular choice for jewelry and healing practices.
In this article, you’ll learn about the Tiger’s Eye meaning, its healing properties, its benefits, and how you can use this beautiful stone in your daily life. Here we go!
Table of Contents

Tiger’s Eye Stone: Quick Info
- Occurrence: Australia, India, Burma, South Africa, Namibia, the US, and Brazil.
- Luster: Silky
- Transparency: Opaque
- Optical Properties: Uniaxial
- Color: Golden to Red-Brown
- Chemical Composition: Silicon Dioxide (SiO2)
- Mohs Hardness: 5.5-6.5
- Crystal System: Trigonal
- Use: Can help you in boosting inner strength and willpower
- Chakra: Believed to be associated with the Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra.
What is Tiger’s Eye?
Tiger’s Eye is a beautiful gemstone in the Chalcedony mineral family. It is a hard stone made of silicon, oxygen, and a bit of iron oxide. It is a form of quartz that undergoes pseudomorphism, where the rock is transformed into Tiger’s Eye by replacing crocidolite fibers with silica.
This beautiful crystal is characterized by its distinctive chatoyancy, or “cat’s eye” effect. This effect is caused by the reflection of light off the fibrous structure of the stone, which creates a shimmering band of light across its surface. It mostly has a golden-brown color with iron stripes. Its distinctive golden bands give it a silky luster and opaque transparency.
Many people believe that Tiger’s Eye got its name from the stone’s golden-brown color and chatoyant pattern, which resembles the eye of a tiger. Just like a tiger’s stripes, its appearance is believed to match the powerful energy of the tiger. In Eastern mythology, the tiger is known as the King of beasts.
This unique stone has been used for thousands of years for its powerful spiritual and healing properties. It is believed to have been used by ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans for its protective and healing qualities. With a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, it is sturdy and perfect for making various types of Tiger’s Eye jewelry.
Other names for Tiger’s Eye stone are Cat’s Eye and Hawk’s Eye, which have different colors and patterns. Blue Tiger’s Eye and Red Tiger’s Eye are two popular forms that have slightly different meanings and healing properties. Keep reading to learn about the Tiger’s Eye meaning!
Tiger’s Eye Meaning
The Tiger’s Eye’s meaning goes beyond its visual appeal. It is believed to be a stone of prosperity, protection, courage, and confidence. Its tiger-eye-like appearance might bring about the powerful energy of the tiger. The stone can instill a sense of confidence and fearlessness in those who possess or wear it. It is believed to help dispel fear and anxiety and to promote self-confidence and self-esteem. But this stunning gemstone isn’t just about protection; it also brings many healing benefits.
Many believe that the Tiger’s Eye stone gets special powers from the Sun and Earth elements, which make it grounding and inspiring. This metamorphic rock is believed to have grounding energy that can help bring balance and stability to the body and mind. It might help to balance emotions and bring positive mental shifts. It may encourage the wearer to tap into their inner reserves of power and face challenges with resilience.
Significance of Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is a beautiful rock with a special meaning. It is considered a good luck stone that has been used for centuries to bring good fortune and protection to the wearer. The stone is believed to promote mental clarity, courage, and inner strength. It can be a powerful tool for those facing difficult situations. This stone is also associated with the sacral chakra, root chakra, and solar plexus. These are energy centers that govern personal power and creativity.
If you need a confidence boost and to overcome emotional barriers, Tiger’s Eye has your back. It can be a courage-builder in all aspects of life. This powerful crystal is also believed to attract wealth and face financial hurdles. It can be used to get rid of bad feelings and thoughts.
You can use Tiger Eye stone in jewelry or just keep it with you. In many cultures, possessing a Tiger’s Eye is believed to attract positive energies and pave the way for good luck to enter your life.
The Symbolism of Tiger’s Eye Stone
Tiger’s Eye is a gemstone that is rich in symbolism and meaning. Its golden-brown color and chatoyant pattern are believed to represent the energy and power of the sun, making it a symbol of vitality and strength. In spiritual traditions, Tiger’s Eye is believed to enhance intuition and psychic abilities and promote balance and harmony in life. It is also believed to provide protection against negative energies and to promote self-confidence and self-esteem.
This gemstone is highly valued for its symbolism and is often used in jewelry and decorative objects to remind people of its powerful energy and meaning.

Origin and History of Tiger’s Eye Stone
Tiger’s Eye, also known as Shapeshifter, is a magical stone that is believed to have originated in South Africa. It is a protective stone that was traditionally used to ward off curses and keep people safe from harm. The stone was used by ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans for its protective and healing properties.
The Egyptians believed that it represented divine vision. They often incorporated the stone into jewelry and amulets. It was believed to provide protection against evil eyes and ward off evil spirits. According to ancient beliefs, its golden color is associated with the Sun God and life-giving energy.
In the realm of warriors, the Tiger’s Eye held significance for Roman soldiers. It was believed to provide them with strength and courage on the battlefield. The stone’s association with the tiger, a symbol of ferocity and bravery, made it a talisman for protection and good fortune. They believed this dark stone with golden lines protected them from bad spirits.
Even in ancient China, they thought that the Tiger’s Eye could keep away bad vibes and bring good luck.
Tiger’s Eye stone was once considered more precious than gold because it was a rare mineral. Today, the Tiger’s Eye is still highly valued as a lucky stone. It is used in different jewelry designs, decorative objects, and sculptures.
Occurrence of Tiger’s Eye Stone
Tiger’s Eye is mostly found in South Africa, but you can also find it in Australia, India, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, and the United States. The stone is typically found in igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks.
- South Africa: The large deposits of Tiger’s Eye stones are found in the Northern Cape, especially in the Griqualand West region.
- Australia: This beautiful stone is also found in Western Australia, mainly in the Pilbara. Here, a special variety, Marra Mamba, is found, and people love it for its unique colors.
- India and Myanmar: These countries also have some Tiger’s Eye, usually discovered while looking for other minerals.

How Tiger’s Eye Stone is Formed
Tiger’s Eye stone is formed through a series of geological processes. It begins as a variety of quartz rock, and through a process called pseudomorphism, it transforms into Tigers Eye stone.
Origin of Crocidolite
The process begins when a quartz rock containing crocidolite develops cracks. Crocidolite is a type of mineral known as a blue form of asbestos. It is composed of thin, needle-like fibers that are blue in color. A discontinuous crack-seal mechanism fills crocidolite cracks within the quartz rock.
In this mechanism, water-containing minerals, required to form both quartz and crocidolite, seeps. Quartz starts growing on the crack surface. Discontinuous crocidolite fibers grow from pieces of crocidolite on the crack surface. The crack area fills with new material, and the rock cracks again in a sliding motion along the weak existing crack surface. This process happens multiple times and creates bands of quartz with diagonal crocidolite fibers (Hawk’s Eye).
Transformation Begins
Over time, due to geological processes, the mineral crocidolite undergoes a transformation. This process is known as pseudomorphism, where one mineral is replaced by another while retaining the original shape.
Replacement by Quartz
In the case of Tiger’s Eye, the microscopic fibers of crocidolite are replaced by silica through a process called silica replacement. Silica, a mineral compound, gradually replaces the blue asbestos fibers.
Formation of Fibrous Structure
As the replacement occurs, a fibrous structure is formed within the quartz. As some of the iron within the crocidolite oxidizes, the stone takes on familiar shades of golden and brownish bands that are characteristic of Tiger’s Eye. These fibrous layers are responsible for the unique chatoyant or “cat’s eye” effect observed in Tiger’s Eye, where a band of light seems to move across the surface when you move the stone.

Different Shapes of Tiger’s Eye Stones
Tiger’s Eye stones are available in various shapes, commonly as a smooth, rounded gemstone called a cabochon. These gems can be cut into different designs, like animals or flowers. They display a deep brown color with golden flecks.
Raw Tiger’s Eye, in its natural state, has a beautiful golden appearance with a shifting band of light called chatoyancy. It is believed to bring good luck and protection.
Tiger’s Eye Geodes are hollow rocks filled with crystals formed when gas bubbles in molten rock solidify over time. Being a type of Quartz, it can create stunning translucent crystals inside these geodes.
Tiger’s Eye Wand is considered a helpful tool for grounding and connecting with the Earth. It is believed to reduce anxiety and stress and boost courage and vitality.
Tiger’s Eye Sphere is a healing crystal. It is believed to soothe the mind, reduce stress, and help overcome obstacles to achieve goals.
Tiger’s Eye Pyramid can enhance psychic abilities and intuition. It might amplify and focus positive energy or thoughts while blocking out negative influences.

Tiger’s Eye Stone: Different Colors
Tiger’s Eye is a beautiful gemstone that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. These colors not only contribute to its visual allure but also carry specific energies and meanings associated with each shade. You can find the Tiger’s Eye Stone in the following colors:
Golden Tiger’s Eye
The traditional Tiger’s Eye stone is available in a mix of golden yellow to brown shades. It is famous for its silky shine and fine, fiber-like structure. The stone gets its traditional golden-brown color from iron reacting and turning into this beautiful hue. If you’re facing issues of self-worth, you must have this stone. It is said to promote self-confidence and courage.
Red Tiger’s Eye (Bull’s Eye or Ox-Eye)
The regular golden Tiger’s Eye is gently heated to get a reddish-brown color. This process makes the color even more vibrant, bringing out a strong red tint. Red’s Tiger Eye is also known as the stimulating stone. This precious stone is believed to be linked to increased energy and motivation.
Blue Tiger’s Eye or Hawk’s Eye
This color is obtained during the transformation of the stone before it becomes quartz. It has a bluish color and is called Hawk’s Eye. It has a fiber-like structure and keeps the shine of Tiger’s Eye. This stone is believed to have a calming effect and reduce stress.
No matter the color, the powerful Tiger’s Eye can be a helper on your life journey to feeling strong and successful!

Different Types of Tiger’s Eye Stones
The colors and types of the Tiger’s Eye vary depending on how they form and change over time. Each variety is believed to have special powers and energies. Here are some popular types you can use!
This is a rare type of Tiger’s Eye that is known for its swirling blue and gold patterns. Pietersite is also known as the “Tempest Stone. It is a combination of Hawk’s Eye and Tiger’s Eye. People love using it in fancy jewelry. It is believed to promote transformation and change.
Marra Mamba Tiger’s Eye Stone
This rare and precious stone is found in the remote Pilbara region of Western Australia. It comes in cool colors like green, red, golden, and chocolate brown. It is believed to promote grounding and stability.
Silicified Crocidolite: This type of Tiger’s Eye is formed when crocidolite, a blue asbestos mineral, is replaced by quartz. It is blue-gray in color and is considered a healing and protection stone.
Serpentine Tiger’s Eye (African Jade)
This type of Tiger’s Eye stone is formed by pairing with serpentine, a green mineral. The crystal has green and golden-brown color and is said to promote abundance and prosperity.
Each type has its own unique beauty and energy that make it a popular gemstone for jewelry and decorative objects.
Healing Properties of Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is believed to have strong emotional, physical, and spiritual healing properties. Here is how this stunning gemstone can make your mind, emotions, and body feel better.
Physical Healing
Tiger’s Eye is believed to have many physical healing properties. Many people believe that it has the ability to balance and harmonize the body’s energy flow. The stone’s energy might help organs and systems function properly. Here’s how it can physically heal you!
- Endocrine System: It may help balance your endocrine system, which manages your body’s functions. It may also help keep your hormones at their normal energy levels.
- Eye Health: Tiger’s Eye might help with eyesight and night vision. It could even offer relief for conditions like glaucoma.
- Digestive System: Having Tiger’s Eye jewelry on you might ease problems with your digestive system.
Recovery: It can dissolve blockages in your body. If stress or emotions make you sick, Tiger’s Eye might help. It could even work on mental conditions like depression. - Reproduction: Tiger’s Eye is believed to help heal reproductive organs and might be good for conditions like infertility. For pregnant ladies, wearing Tiger’s Eye jewelry can protect the baby and keep them safe during pregnancy.
- Skeletal System: If you break a bone, putting Tiger’s Eye near the broken area might speed up the healing.
- Communication: Some folks say wearing or carrying Tiger’s Eye jewelry improved their speech, especially if they had speech problems.
- Energy: If you feel down in gloomy weather, this warm-blooded stone can bring warmth and light, making you feel better during dark days. The energy of Tiger’s Eye stone can lift you out of a lazy mood. Wearing Tiger’s Eye could give you more natural energy and a positive boost.
Whether you need more energy or are recovering from an injury, having Tiger’s Eye around could be beneficial.

Emotional Healing
Emotionally, Tiger’s Eye is considered a powerful ally in transforming negative emotions into courage and self-confidence. Having a piece of Tiger’s Eye can help if you’re going through challenging emotions. Check out how it might make you feel better:
- Facing Fears: If you ever feel stuck or unmotivated, the energy of Tiger’s Eye can break through those barriers and inspire you to be more active in approaching life. This powerful stone is believed to dispel fear and anxiety. It might allow you to approach life with a positive attitude.
- Emotional Stability: The stone can help you promote emotional balance and stability.
- Feeling Calm: Tiger’s Eye can help you release anger and stress. It might be a little helper that calms you down when things get tough.
- Feeling Strong: Tiger’s Eye can help you build a strong foundation for your emotions. It can be a strength booster in facing life challenges. This energetic gemstone may help you get rid of negative thoughts and help you in achieving your life goals.
- Building Confidence: Tiger’s Eye can make you feel good about yourself. Wearing it might help you discover your inner strength and feel more sure of yourself.
- Clear Thinking: Tiger’s Eye meaning can help you clear your mind and think more clearly. Wearing the crystal is like putting on glasses that make everything look positive and bright.
- Encouraging Self-Reflection: Tiger’s eye’s reflective nature is not limited to its appearance alone. This stone is associated with encouraging self-reflection and introspection. It is believed to pave the way for personal growth and self-improvement.
Spiritual Healing
Spiritually, Tiger’s Eye is believed to be a grounding force that can help you connect to your deepest self. These stones are considered spiritual buddies associated with courage and strength. Here’s how the Tiger’s Eye meaning can help you heal spiritually.
- Third Eye Activation: In spiritual circles, the Tiger’s Eye is often associated with the activation of the third eye chakra. These chakras help you feel connected to the Earth and strong in the world. It might help you develop a heightened sense of intuition, spiritual awareness, and spiritual clarity.
- Psychic Abilities: Tiger’s Eye is believed to boost your intuition and psychic powers. It may help you reach higher spiritually and connect with your higher realms. Whether you wear it as jewelry or keep it in your sacred space, this stone helps create harmony and enhance your psychic gifts.
- Grounding and Protective Energies: Tigers Eye is also valued for its grounding and protective energies. It is believed to create a shield around the wearer, deflecting negative energies and promoting a sense of security.
Whether you’re looking to enhance your intuition or explore deeper levels of consciousness, Tiger’s Eye can help you tap into your true potential and live your best life.
Benefits of Tiger’s Eye Stone
Tiger’s Eye is a versatile stone that is believed to have several benefits in different aspects of your life. It can keep you safe, especially during travels, and can bring good vibes and success in life. Here are some of the benefits of Tiger’s Eye:
- Manifestation: Wearing a Tiger’s Eye crystal can make your dreams come true. It can help you turn your dreams into reality and connect with your inner wisdom.
- Balance: A raw Tiger’s Eye stone can realign your energies and give you a balanced outlook on life. It might also help you stay grounded spiritually and feel better overall.
- Mental Clarity: Tiger’s Eye Stone is believed to promote mental clarity and focus, making it a useful tool for those who need to concentrate on their work or studies.
- Protection: Wearing or carrying Tiger’s Eye protects you from negative vibes and bad spirits. Many people wear it while traveling.
- Business Success: In professional life, golden-brown Tiger’s Eye jewelry is believed to bring positive energies and more success.
- Relationship Boost: Tiger’s Eye can improve your relationships by aligning your energies and making you feel confident in yourself and your connection with others.
- Good Fortune: This magical stone is also thought to bring good luck, especially in attracting wealth.
Combining Tiger’s Eye Stone with Other Crystals
You can pair the Tiger’s Eye stone with other crystals to enhance its energy and meaning. Here are some of the most popular crystals that make a perfect pair with Tiger’s Eye gemstone:
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is a powerful crystal believed to amplify the energy of other crystals. If you combine it with Tiger’s Eye, it can enhance its protective and grounding qualities.
Citrine is an optimism guru that is believed to promote joy, creativity, and abundance. When combined with the Tiger’s Eye, it can enhance its energy and strength.
Hematite (Red Jasper) is a grounding crystal that is believed to protect against negative energies. When paired with Tiger’s Eye, it might give you the courage to face difficult situations.
Amethyst is a stress-buster that is believed to promote peace, clarity, and spiritual awareness. Together with Tiger’s Eye, it can boost intuition and psychic abilities.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz is a gentle and loving crystal that is believed to promote self-love, compassion, and healing. When combined with Tiger’s Eye, it can enhance its ability to promote self-confidence and self-esteem.
Carnelian can be the friendly cheerleader in your life. It is said to bring warmth and passion. It can help you feel good about yourself and open up to love. With Tiger’s Eye, it can add courage, power, and warmth.
Known as the “Stone of Great Achievement,” Turquoise might help you accomplish your goals and find inner peace. If you pair it with Tiger’s Eye, you can double-fold good luck, prosperity, and happiness.
Known as “fool’s gold,” Pyrite might help you see beyond illusions and make rational decisions. With Tiger’s Eye, it is believed to attract good fortune and wealth.
You can create a team of these crystals to bring positivity and good vibes into your life!

Tiger’s Eye Chakras
Chakras are energy centers in the human body that are believed to be associated with various aspects of our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The Tiger’s Eye meaning is believed to be associated with the sacral, solar plexus, and root chakras.
Solar Plexus Chakra
The solar plexus chakra is responsible for your sense of personal power, self-confidence, and self-esteem. When this chakra is blocked or out of balance, you may experience feelings of anxiety, fear, and insecurity. Tiger’s Eye is believed to help balance and activate the solar plexus chakra. It may help to increase your confidence, courage, and ability to take action in your lives.
Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra houses your emotions, pleasure, relationships, desires, creativity, and sexual energy. Tiger’s eye is believed to support this chakra, ensuring that these aspects of your life flow smoothly.
Root Chakra
The root chakra is all about your foundation, security, sense of belonging, survival, and finances. When this chakra is blocked or out of balance, you may experience feelings of instability, restlessness, and fear. Tiger’s Eye is believed to be a lucky charm for this chakra. It might attract abundance and good fortune and provide stability and security in your life.
Connection of Tiger’s Eye Meaning with Zodiac Signs
Certain zodiac signs are believed to resonate more strongly with the energies of Tiger’s Eye. Here are the most common connections:
Tiger’s Eye is believed to be a birthstone for Geminis, who are naturally creative and quick-witted. This stone can help Geminis overcome creative blocks and make better decisions. It may also help balance out their twin personalities and bring grounding and stabilizing energy to their lives.
Capricorn and Leo
Many people believe that Tiger’s Eye has a natural affinity for Capricorns and Leos. These signs can benefit from the grounding and stabilizing energy of the Tiger’s Eye stone. It may complement their characteristics and provide support in their personal and spiritual journeys.
Tiger’s Eye is a powerful crystal that anyone can use, regardless of their zodiac sign.

How to Use Tiger’s Eye Stone
You can use Tiger Eye gemstone differently to benefit from its powerful healing properties. Here are the best ways to make it part of your daily life:
Tiger’s Eye Stone is often used in jewelry, such as bracelets, necklaces, and rings. Wearing Tiger’s Eye jewelry is a great way to keep the stone close to the skin and benefit from its healing properties. If you don’t like jewelry, you can keep a small Tiger’s Eye stone in your pocket or bag.
Tiger’s Eye gemstones can be used in meditation to promote mental clarity and focus. Simply hold the stone in your hand or place it on your third eye chakra while meditating.
Feng Shui
Tiger’s Eye Stone is believed to promote good luck and fortune when used in Feng Shui. Placing it in the wealth corner of your home or office can attract positive energy and abundance.
Tiger’s Eye Stone can be used in healing practices like Reiki or crystal healing. Placing the stone on the affected area of the body can help alleviate pain and promote healing.
You can place a Tiger’s Eye close to the front door or window as a protective amulet. You can also put it in your child’s bedroom to make them feel protected.
When you have a relaxing bath, massage, or facial, add Tiger’s Eye. It can make these moments better and bring extra goodness to your body.
Crystal Grids
You can also incorporate Tiger’s Eye into crystal grids to amplify its energies. This can be effective for attracting abundance, protection, or spiritual growth.
How to Clean Tiger’s Eye
Tiger’s Eye is believed to be a powerful energy booster and perfect for clearing away negative thoughts. To keep it working at its best, you should regularly clean and clear the crystal from any negativity buildup and maintain its beauty and effectiveness:
Moonlit Renewal
Treat your Tiger’s Eye to a moonlit cleanse. On a full moon night, place it where moonbeams can touch. Allow it to absorb the lunar energy overnight. The next morning, it will be recharged and ready to roll.
Saltwater Bath
For a seaside-inspired refresh, dip your Tiger’s Eye in saltwater. If the ocean isn’t nearby, you can create your mixture. Let the crystal soak for 24-48 hours. After its salty dip, pat it dry with a soft cloth.
Mild Cleansing
To clean Tiger’s Eye, simply rinse it under warm water and dry it with a soft cloth. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may scratch or damage the Tiger’s Eye.
Earth Connection
Bury your Tiger’s Eye in the soil for a night. This method may help the stone reconnect with the Earth’s grounding energies.
Sound Symphony
Treat your Tiger’s Eye to a vibrational concert. Use Tibetan bells, tuning forks, or a singing bowl to create a harmonious tone. Let the crystal bask in the sound for around 10 minutes. The sound bath will leave your Tiger’s Eye feeling refreshed and lively.
To keep your gemstone jewelry and crystals strong and effective, you should clean them after each meditation or a few times a year.
How to Identify the Genuine Tiger’s Eye Stone
If you’re wondering whether your Tiger’s Eye crystal is real, you can check its authenticity. Experts use different methods, and here are a few you can try:
Visual Check
Start by looking closely. Real Tiger’s Eye has a unique silky shine with golden-brown bands. Check out for the cat’s eye effect, where light shimmers across the surface.
Hardness Test
Tiger’s Eye Crystal is quite hard, scoring 5.5-6.5 on the Mohs scale. To test it, scratch it with a mineral, like quartz. If a mark appears, it might not be the real deal.
Density and Refractive Index
Measure the density (how heavy it is) and refractive index (how it bends light). Tiger’s Eye falls in a specific range: density from 2.64 to 2.71 g/cm 3 and refractive index between 1.530 and 1.540.
Polarizing Filter Test
This test makes the cat’s eye effect more visible. When you use a polarizing filter, a genuine Tiger’s Eye will show a clear band of light moving across its surface.
If you’re still unsure, it is a good idea to consult an expert for the final word!
FAQs about Tiger’s Eye
Is Tiger’s Eye a Rare Stone?
Tiger’s Eye is not considered rare and is widely available. The quality of the stone can vary. The most popular varieties exhibit a rich golden color and well-defined banding patterns.
Can I Use Tiger’s Eye Gemstone for meditation?
You can use Tiger’s Eye for meditation. It is believed to promote a sense of calm and relaxation. You can hold a piece of Tiger’s Eye or place it on the solar plexus chakra during meditation.
Can Tiger’s Eye Stone bring good luck?
Tiger’s Eye stone is believed to attract good luck and prosperity. Its energies are thought to create a positive and harmonious atmosphere. It can facilitate the flow of abundance in different aspects of your life.
Can I use Tiger’s Eye in jewelry?
Tiger’s Eye is a famous stone for use in jewelry. You can wear it as Tiger’s Eye bracelets, necklaces, and earrings.
Final Thoughts
Tiger’s Eye stone is a beautiful gemstone with multifaceted energies. It has been used for centuries to protect against negative energy, promote inner strength and courage, and bring good luck. This powerful crystal can provide many healing energies and benefits to those who use it.
Whether you want to boost your confidence, find more balance and stability in your life, or simply enhance your overall well-being, you should add Tiger’s Eye stone to your crystal collection. You can buy a piece of jewelry or carry the stone in your pocket. With its protective and grounding qualities, Tiger’s Eye can help you stay focused and achieve success in all aspects of your life.
Give it a try and see how it can benefit your body, mind, and soul!
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